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Hanging Basket Replanting Prices

We offer a comprehensive re-planting service for all customers. If you would like your own baskets expertly re-planted to the highest standards, deduct 20% from our "Off the Peg" prices.  

                                                                                             ‘OFF THE PEG’

25CM.(10”) & 30cm.(12”) Hanging Basket

† Mixed planting, top only………………..…….………………………......£16.99


30cm.(12”) Basket

Best mix, top bottom and sides…………………….…….………..…...£22.00


35cm.(14”) Basket

† Mixed planting, top only………………………………........................£22.99

Best mix………………………………….……………...………………………........£33.00


40cm.(16”) Basket

Best mix……………………………………………….……………………….......... £40.00

Heavy Duty Basket……………………………………………………….….......£45.00


45cm.(18”) Basket

Best mix……………………………………………….…………………………....... £65.00


50cm.(20”) Basket

Best mix……………………………………………………………………............ £79.00


† ‘Wicker Style’ Hanging Baskets or coir lined wire baskets.

Wall Trough                                                                                    

45cm. (18”)  …………………………………….…………................. £39.00

60cm. (24”)  ....……………………………………………....….…...….£50.00

75cm. (30”)   ……..……………………………………………………....£63.00

90cm. (36”)  ….…….……………………………………….……….……£75.00

Hay Racks

40cm. (16”) ………...…………….………………………………….…...£30.00

45cm. (18”) ……….……………………………………………………....£45.00

50cm. (20”) ……………...……………………….……………………....£65.00

55cm. (22”) ……………….……………………………………………....£75.00

60cm. (24”) …………………...……………………………….…….…...£90.00

Patio Trough / Window Box

45cm. (18”) …………………….…………………………..………….….£16.99

60cm. (24”)  ……………….…...……….………………………………..£21.99

75cm. (30”) …………………………...……………………………..…...£26.99

90cm. (36”) ……………………………...………………………….…….£32.99

Patio Pots

25/27cm. (10”approx.)………...………………………………..….£12.99

29/32cm. (12” approx.)…….…………………………………….…£16.99

35cm. (14” approx.)…………………………………………….……..£22.99

40cm. (16” approx.)………..………………………………….……...£29.00

45cm. (18” approx.) ……..…….…………………………………..…£35.00


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